Number Bond Badges

Number Bonds badfges for school
Number Bonds are now a key part of teaching children maths at school. Also known as "number pairs", they are the pairs of numbers that, added together, make up another number.

So for example, number bonds to 10 are 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6 and 5+5.

Number Bonds badges are a great way to encourage and reward children when learning their number bonds.

Our star number bond badges are based on our ever popular star times table badges and can be made in a choice of background colours to suit your requirements.

And our Number Bonds Whizz Kid badges are based on our Time Table Champion space themed range of button badges. These are available in five colours - red, yellow, blue, purple and blue.

Number Bonds Burtton Badges

What's more, we can offer safety pin backs for these and other 25mm school badges at no extra cost.

Oh, and nearly forgot. As well as 25mm, we also make these in a larger 38mm badge size with safety pin backs as standard.

Any questions or want a price? Drop us an email - [email protected].

Please note: If you are ordering on behalf of a school, all we require is an official Purchase Order number. We can then include an invoice when we send your badges rather than you having to pay in advance. Of course you can pay by card, bank transfer or cheque when ordering if you prefer.

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R Marshall T/A Button Badges
PO Box 13339, Hawick TD9 1AF UK